Rainbow Decorative Wall Hanging

📍Material list: cupcake holders, watercolor paints, paint brushes, white outline pens, transparent glue, string, wooden sticks.

🧡Preparation method:

▫️1. Flatten the cupcake tray

▫️2. Use watercolor paint to color the cake tray (try to choose adjacent colors for color matching~)

▫️3. Use a white outline pen to draw the desired pattern on the cake support

▫️4. After everything is dry, use transparent glue to connect the colored cake tray discs from the back (note that the effect will be more beautiful if you use rainbow colors~)

▫️5. Wrap the string around both sides of the wooden stick

▫️6. Use transparent glue to attach the entire colored disc to the wooden stick
🧡Talang….The beautiful rainbow decorative wall hanging is completed🧡

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